Director of HOREL Team

Dr. Zhiming Yuan
Reader in Hydrodynamics
Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean & Marine Engineering
Henry Dyer Building, 100 Montrose Street, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G4 0LZ
T: +44 (0)141 548 3308
Dr. Zhiming Yuan has been a Lecturer (2014-2019), Senior Lecturer (2019-2022), and then a Reader (2022- ) in the Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering at the University of Strathclyde at Glasgow. He received his PhD degree at Strathclyde in 2014 on Ocean Engineering. His research activity mainly focused on the Marine Hydrodynamics and Offshore Renewable Energy, and he has published more than 60 journal articles on these areas. Dr Yuan is currently acting as the Scientific Managing Editor for Ocean Engineering, Applied Ocean Research, Coastal Engineering, and Marine Structures. He is an ITTC committee member and executive chair of ITTC Maneuvering Committee. Dr. Yuan has been the PI/CoI for more than 10 research projects, securing more than £1M grants from various funding sources, and he was invited by Prof. Ronald Yeung to carry out joint research at UC Berkeley (05/2017 – 09/2017) under Sir David Anderson Bequest Award. He is currently leading the Hydrodynamics and Ocean Renewable Energy Laboratory (HOREL) at Strathclyde, acting as the first supervisor of 9 PhD students. His research work on wave interference has been selected as Focus on Fluids article of Journal of Fluid Mechanics and highlighted by Nature (Nature. 565(7741):538), and these works have also been widely reported by TheTimes, DailyMail, Today Headline, ScienceNews, etc. In 2022, Dr Zhiming Yuan shared the Ig Nobel prize in the field of Physics for “trying to understand how ducklings manage to swim in formation”.